Sunday, December 27, 2009

A sustainable christmas message

This christmas design I did for 'In Africa' arrived as a card, folded open to a poster, and could be used as christmas wrapping paper. The font I designed was a contemporary take on traditional african art. I have uploaded the full project onto my site and you can find it under In Africa > Christmas in the menu on the left.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

All You Can

December 4 saw the album launch of Tara Simmons' latest EP, titled All You Can. Once more I was asked to do the artwork and ofcourse I said I'd love to!

Where I came up with the idea and did the design and art-direction, I could not have done this one without Ricky Sullivan, who photographed this job, and with a whole lot of magic by Justin Overell, who was responsible for the imaging and retouching. Oh, and a thank you to Millie, Lola, Brock and Mia for letting us your their toys ;-)
To view all the All You Can artwork, click on the title on the menu on the left.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Published 2

Sandu Publishing just informed me that they published their new APD book (Asia Pacific Design), and the poster design I did for Tara Simmons' Spilt Milk album launch has been included! Wonderful news! :-)

The poster was shot by Ricky Sullivan and you can hear Tara's beautiful music here. And you can see all the Spilt Milk artwork by clicking on that title in the menu on the left.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hakuna Matata!

Thought it would be cool to do an illustration for the In Africa office. Took a while, but hey, I had fun :-) It turned out to be an illustration you can look at for a while. My dad even reckons he spotted a crocodile, but I guarantee you that there's none in there.

By clicking on 'In Africa > illustration' in the illustration menu on the left, you'll be able to view this image nice and big, and also see that the awesome people of engraveyourbook engraved some great moleskine covers for me too.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Beer 'o clock

Our mate Tom brews his own gingerbeer, and it's really good. You should try it!
This project was yet another collaboration with Justin at Ion Design; he was responsible for the art-direction, and I enjoyed doing the design and illustration for this one. View the full project by clicking on Mille Plateaux in the menu on the left.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Just been informed by Sandu Publishing house that my work for the Corporate Clothing Company has been included in their new design book, called Form. Feeling very happy and a bit proud right now! You can see the whole project by going to 'corporate clothing company' in the menu on the left.